
Political discourse in the Internet space: subjects, forms, risks




The Internet has turned into a space of mass communication. The network resources successfully compete with the media in formats and outreach to the audience. The study of political processes in the Internet space, the analysis of participating parties, the volume and the quality of network communications, and the models of discourse give a new direction to the sociological research - the sociology of the Internet. The transformation of social practices in the modern world justifiably brings changes in the traditional mechanisms of socio-political interaction. Political communications, which are in vanguard of actualization, articulation and demonstration of the socio-political relations, are exposed to the innovative processes and have to adapt to new challenges. New quantitative and qualitative characteristics of political communications, used in the Internet space, should be assessed outside the rigid Rood versus bad categories. The dynamic transformations of modern organizational and communication technologies cannot receive any prompt yet clear public assessment, and many aspects of political discourse are still at the stage of formation. Thus, it is crucial to explore the possibilities of social networks,the communicating parties, and the forms of communication and evaluate the potential of regular citizens (users) who are able to participate in the political discourse of the modern society.
机译:互联网变成了大规模沟通的空间。网络资源成功与媒体以格式和外展竞争到观众。互联网空间中的政治流程研究,参与缔约方的分析,网络通信的数量和质量,以及话语模型对社会学研究的新方向 - 互联网的社会学。现代世界中社会实践的转型良好地带来了传统社会政治互动机制的变化。政治沟通,在实际化,阐明和示范社会政治关系中,暴露于创新流程,并必须适应新的挑战。在互联网空间中使用的政治通信的新量化和定性特征,应在刚性Rood与糟糕的类别之外进行评估。现代组织和通信技术的动态变换不能收到任何提示,但清晰的公共评估,政治话语的许多方面仍处于形成的阶段。因此,探索社交网络,沟通方和沟通形式的可能性至关重要,并评估能够参与现代社会政治话语的普通公民(用户)的潜力。



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