
The Contemporary Linguistic Personality in the Public InfoSphere




The article deals with the behavior of the linguistic personality in the modern information space. The main directions of pragmatic study are determined. A review of the interaction of linguistic personality and information flow in the communicative field is given. In the article we show how the modern linguistic personality chooses the source of information. We research the evaluation of the modern information. The article is based on actual and extensive statistical material. Linguistic personality in public communication reflects objectively existing features of the culture of information possession and can actively influence the development of linguistic community, increasing interest in various areas of social activity, which contributes to the formation of specific information spaces in the public communication space. The article emphasizes that in (he context of globalization of the communication space in the Internet environment it becomes obvious that the view of many processes and phenomena in both socio-political and cultural, economic, etc. areas and their have changed significantly, and the ability to manage information flows has been transformed.
机译:文章涉及现代信息空间中语言人格的行为。确定务实研究的主要方向。给出了对通信领域的语言人格和信息流的相互作用的审查。在文章中,我们展示了现代语言人格如何选择信息来源。我们研究现代信息的评估。本文基于实际和广泛的统计材料。公共沟通中的语言人格反映了信息占有的文化的现有特征,可以积极影响语言社区的发展,对各种社会活动领域的兴趣增加,这有助于在公共交流空间中形成特定信息空间。本文强调(他在互联网环境中全球化的全球化环境中的背景,很明显,社会 - 政治和文化,经济等地区的许多过程和现象的观点显着变化,以及管理信息流的能力已被转换。



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