
Dielectric Relaxation and Ferroelectric Imprint




The term imprint is generally used for a special kind of a reversible change in the ferroelectric state. It refers to a time dependent development of the material's resistance against polarization reversal. At the example of P(VDF-TrFE) it is shown that if polarized to the remanent polarization and under a switched off external field the coercive field of the sample's hysteresis loop increases in time, the ferroelectric switching time increases as well, the remanent polarization decreases, and the small signal ac capacitance decreases also. All four effects exhibit a linear behavior on a logarithmic time scale, i.e. they are proportional to log tw, with tw as the waiting time after switching off the external field. A model is developed which relates the four observations. The model is based on a feedback effect between a crystalline phase where the ferroelectric switching takes place and an amorphous or disordered phase with a relaxational polarization response.
机译:术语印记通常用于铁电状态的特殊类型的可逆变化。它是指材料抗偏振逆转的时间依赖性发展。在P(VDF-TRFE)的例子中,示出了,如果偏振到倒置的偏振,并且在切换的外部场下,样品的滞后回路的矫顽磁场在时间上增加,则铁电切换时间也增加,再现极化降低,并且小信号AC电容也降低。所有四种效果都在对数时间尺度上表现出线性行为,即它们与日志T成比例 w ,有t. w 作为切换外部字段后的等待时间。开发了一种模型,其与四个观察结果相关。该模型基于结晶相之间的反馈效果,其中铁电切换发生以及具有松弛偏振响应的无定形或无序相位。



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