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Application development for recognizing type of infant's cry sound




Crying infant is a sign of baby who has a problem. But, some people are not able to recognize the meaning of infant's cry. Several researches to recognize infant's cry sound had been done by some researchers, but there is still no research that develop an application which able to recognize type of infant's cry sound based on web. In this research, an application is developed to help users identify the sound of crying infant based on Dunstan Baby Language. The method applied in this application are Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) feature extraction for infant's cry sound, normalization of feature extraction result, and K-nearest neighbor classification. From the various tests performed, it can be concluded that highest average accuracy of 75.95 percent can be obtained by using parameters consist of 0.08 seconds wintime in MFCC feature extraction, 85 percent of training data and 15 percent of test data from any type of infant's cry sound, feature extraction normalization by Standard Deviation Normalization, and K-nearest Neighbor with k equal to 1 classification. While testing application by using all data, average accuracy of 96.57 percent can be obtained by using parameters consist of 0.08 seconds wintime in MFCC feature extraction, 85 percent of training data from any type of infant's cry sound, feature extraction normalization by Standard Deviation Normalization, and K-nearest Neighbor k equal to 1 classification. From that test, it can be concluded that the application has been running well when classifying all types of infant's cry sound data.
机译:哭泣的婴儿是一个患有问题的婴儿的标志。但是,有些人无法认识到婴儿的哭泣的意义。一些研究人员已经完成了识别婴儿哭声的几项研究,但仍然没有研究能够开发一个能够识别基于Web的婴儿呼声的类型的应用程序。在这项研究中,开发了一个应用程序,以帮助用户根据Dunstan Baby语言识别哭泣的婴儿声音。本申请中应用的方法是母频谱系数(MFCC)特征提取,用于婴儿的呼声,特征提取结果的归一化和K最近邻分类。从所执行的各种测试中,可以得出结论,通过使用参数在MFCC特征提取中的0.08秒内由0.08秒,培训数据的85%和任何类型的婴幼儿呼声中的测试数据的参数可以获得75.95%的最高平均精度。声音,标准偏差标准化的特征提取标准化,K最近邻居k等于1分类。在测试应用程序通过使用所有数据时,通过使用参数可以获得96.57%的平均精度,在MFCC功能提取中由0.08秒,培训数据的85%来自任何类型的婴幼儿的呼声,标准偏差标准化的提取标准化,和k最近邻k等于1分类。从该测试中,可以得出结论,在分类所有类型的婴幼儿呼声数据时,应用程序已经运行良好。



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