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Ranking the airports in Turkey with Data Envelopment Analysis and Principal Component Analysis




Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a linear programming (LP) technique for measuring the relative efficiency of peer decision making units(DMUs) when multiple inputs and outputs are present. This objective method was originated by Charnes et al. (1978). DEA can be used, not only for estimating the performance of units, but also for solving other problems of management such as aggregating several preference rankings into single ranking. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model selection is an important step and problematic. Efficiency values for decision making units are connected to input and output data. It also depends on the number of outputs plus inputs. A new method for model selection is proposed in this study. Efficiencies are calculated for all possible DEA model specifications. It is shown that model equivalence or dissimilarity can be easily assessed using this approach. The results are analysed using Principal Component Analysis.
机译:数据包络分析(DEA)是一种线性编程(LP)技术,用于测量当存在多个输入和输出时对等决策单元(DMUS)的相对效率。该目标方法起源于Charnes等人。 (1978)。可以使用DEA,不仅用于估计单位的性能,还可以解决管理的其他问题,例如将几个偏好排名聚集成单个排名。数据包络分析(DEA)模型选择是一个重要的一步和问题。决策单元的效率值连接到输入和输出数据。它还取决于输出加输入的数量。本研究提出了一种新的模型选择方法。为所有可能的DEA模型规格计算效率。结果表明,可以使用这种方法容易地评估模型等价或不相似性。使用主成分分析分析结果。



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