首页> 外文会议>International Conference on "Building Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, Challenges and Policy Options" >The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy Reforms and the Sustainability of Agro-food Systems in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: How to Get Trade and Development Back on the Agenda?

The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy Reforms and the Sustainability of Agro-food Systems in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: How to Get Trade and Development Back on the Agenda?




The strategic opportunities for a better integration between the two shores of the Mediterranean have been recognized by the Barcelona Process launched in 1995 with the intention of liberalizing trade in the region and, based on the recognition of certain development asymmetries, moderating the reciprocity principle and introducing specific development programmes (Barcelona Declaration 1995). The process has failed to meet the expectations and fingers have been pointed at (among other things) agriculture and the European Union's (EU's) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which defines support for the producers in the EU member states. Since the reduction of trade barriers would increase competitive pressure on Mediterranean producers, Southern EU member states, where most of these products originate, have been opposed, pointing out that the scope of CAP support for Southern products is already relatively low. On the other hand, the Northern countries, net contributors to the community budget, have been unwilling to finance additional compensatory and support programmes, thus stalling the process (Garcia-Alvarez-Coque 2002, DellAquila and Velazquez 2002).
机译:在1995年的巴塞罗那进程中获得了一系列地中海两岸的战略机会,旨在使该地区的贸易自由化,并基于对某些发展不对称的认可,采取互惠原则和介绍。具体的发展计划(巴塞罗那宣言1995)。该过程未能达到预期,并指出(尤其是)农业和欧盟(欧盟)普通农业政策(上议)的指出,该政策界定了对欧盟成员国的生产者的支持。由于贸易壁垒的减少将增加地中海生产商的竞争力,欧盟南部的成员国,其中大多数这些产品起源于,一直反对,指出南方产品的CAP支持范围已经相对较低。另一方面,北方国家,社区预算的净贡献者一直不愿意为额外的补偿和支持计划提供资金,从而减轻该过程(Garcia-Alvarez-Coque 2002,Daielquila和Velazquez 2002)。



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