首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Robotics Automation >Geometric rearrangement of multiple movable objects on cluttered surfaces: A hybrid reasoning approach

Geometric rearrangement of multiple movable objects on cluttered surfaces: A hybrid reasoning approach




We introduce a novel computational method for geometric rearrangement of multiple movable objects on a cluttered surface, where objects can change locations more than once by pick and/or push actions. This method consists of four stages: (i) finding tentative collision-free final configurations for all objects (all the new objects together with all other objects in the clutter) while also trying to minimize the number of object relocations, (ii) gridization of the continuous plane for a discrete placement of the initial configurations and the tentative final configurations of objects on the cluttered surface, (iii) finding a sequence of feasible pick and push actions to achieve the final discrete placement for the objects in the clutter from their initial discrete place, while simultaneously minimizing the number of object relocations, and (iv) finding feasible final configurations for all objects according to the optimal task plan calculated in stage (iii). For (i) and (iv), we introduce algorithms that utilize local search with random restarts; for (ii), we introduce a mathematical modeling of the discretization problem and use the state-of-the-art ASP reasoners to solve it; for (iii) we introduce a formal hybrid reasoning framework that allows embedding of geometric reasoning in task planning, and use the expressive formalisms and reasoners of ASP. We illustrate the usefulness of our integrated AI approach with several scenarios that cannot be solved by the existing approaches. We also provide a dynamic simulation for one of the scenarios, as supplementary material.



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