首页> 外文会议>Symposium on remote sensing and hydrology >Data assimilation for improving soil moisture estimation at hillslope scales: experiments with synthetic SMAP radar data

Data assimilation for improving soil moisture estimation at hillslope scales: experiments with synthetic SMAP radar data

机译:用于改善Hillslope尺度土壤水分估计的数据同化:合成Smap Radar数据的实验



In a series of synthetic experiments we test the hypothesis that data assimilation algorithms can be employed to improve soil moisture estimation at spatial scales of hillslopes (e.g. 10°-102 m). We use the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to update an ensemble of hillslope-scale soil moisture fields simulated by a physically-based ecohydrology model with synthetic SMAP radar observations. For sparse vegetation, assimilation of the synthetic observations substantially reduces estimation error in near-surface soil moisture (e.g. top 5 cm), relative to the synthetic true soil moisture conditions. Key components of our data assimilation system are: (1) explicit representation of the impact of hillslope-scale topography on microwave observation, and (2) a Latin Hypercube-based soil parameter generator that preserves the correlation between soil properties and improves the reproducibility of soil moisture ensemble statistics.



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