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Trimming-based conflict discovery and problem-solving process model




Trimming is a good analytical and solving method in TRIZ. However, when it failed, other method is needed to reanalyze and resolve the problems, which makes time and energy wasted. Therefore, it will be good if the poor trimming results can be converted into conflicts which can be solved by the powerful conflict solving tools in TRIZ. However, TRIZ itself lacks workable method of determining conflict. For these, through analyze the possible results after trimming, construct the trimming-based conflict discovery diagram. With it, the poor trimming results can be transformed into conflicts directly. In this way, a systematic trimming based problem-solving process model is formed. The application of the process model is illustrated by a case of water dispenser.
机译:修剪是Triz中的一个很好的分析和解决方法。 但是,当它失败时,需要其他方法来重新分析并解决可能浪费时间和能量的问题。 因此,如果可以将可差的修剪结果转换为可以通过TRIZ中的强大冲突求解工具解决的冲突,则会良好。 然而,Triz本身缺乏可行的确定冲突方法。 对于这些,通过分析修剪后的可能结果,构造基于修剪的冲突发现图。 有了它,可以直接转化为差的修剪结果。 以这种方式,形成了基于系统的修整的解决问题求解过程模型。 通过水分配器的情况说明了过程模型的应用。



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