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Pesticide residues in food Report of the 2018 joint FAD/WHO meeting of experts




The Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues(JMPR)was taken place at the headquarters of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment(BfR)in Berlin,Germany,from 18 to 27 September 2018.The meeting was opened by Dr Roland Solecki,Head of the BfR Department of Pesticides Safety.Over 50 participants from five continents participated in the Meeting.On behalf of the President of the BfR,Dr Solecki welcomed the JMPR Meeting being held in Berlin.He highlighted that it was the first time the JMPR had been hosted by a national government authority in its 55 year history of assessing consumer health risks of pesticide residues in foods and feeds,and recommending maximum residue levels to the Codex Alimentarius Commission.He remarked,that experts from the BfR,and its predecessor organizations had a long history of participation in the the work of the JMPR and had contributed to both the development of,and international harmonization of many assessment concepts.From that perspective he considered the hosting of the 2018 JMPR another important initiative in that process.The BfR is the scientific body of the Federal Republic of Germany and provides expert reports and opinions on risks related to food ingestion and exposure to consumers including risk assessments of industrial chemicals,food additives,biocides and pesticides.Dr Solecki indicated that the BfR held the view that international harmonization was extremely important,as it forms the basis for national and international acceptance of risk assessments.
机译:粮农组织联合/世卫组织在德国柏林联邦风险评估(BFR)的总部,于2018年9月18日至27日在德国联邦风险评估(BFR)总部发生。会议由Roland Solecki博士开幕在BFR农药部门的安全部门。来自五大洲的50名参与者参加了会议,代表BFR总统,博士欢迎在柏林举行的JMPR会议。突出显示,这是JMPR第一次拥有在其55年的55年历史中,在食品和饲料中评估消费者健康风险的55年历史,并将最大的残留水平推荐给Codex Alimentarius佣金。HF,BFR的专家及其前任组织进行了评论参与JMPR的工作的历史悠久,并为许多评估概念的发展做出了贡献和国际协调。从他考虑的角度来看2018年JMPR在该过程中的另一个重要举措。BFR是德意志联邦共和国的科学机构,并为与食品摄取和暴露于消费者有关的风险的专家报告和意见,包括工业化学品风险评估,食品添加剂,杀生物剂和农药。Solecki表明,BFR认为,国际协调非常重要,因为它形成了国家和国际风险评估的验收的基础。



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