首页> 外文会议>International Mine Water Association Conference >Are Pitlakes an Environmentally Sustainable Closure Option for South African Coal Mines?

Are Pitlakes an Environmentally Sustainable Closure Option for South African Coal Mines?




There are over 200 pitlakes in South Africa due to over two centuries of coal mining. The aim of this study is to determine if pitlakes are a sustainable coal mine closure option in South Africa. The study investigated the water balance, chemistry, limnology and bacteria of three selected pit lakes. The pitlakes occur in the three major coal basins of South Africa and are as a result of different mining methods. The major factors driving the water balance of the pitlakes are rainfall, runoff, groundwater and inflow from historical mine workings. The major losses from the pitlakes are evaporation or discharge of water on surface. The study proved that pitlakes can be designed to be terminal sinks and as a result a sustainable closure option in terms of the water balance. The groundwater chemistry showed the pitlakes to be stable with alkaline pH, mostly a sodium sulphate type water with total dissolved solid content of less than 3 000mg/L. The phytoplankton and microbiological data showed that the pitlake supported aquatic life. The study proved that with the correct design, coal mine pitlakes are an environmentally sustainable closure option for South Africa coal mines. A suggested design manual was developed to aid mine planners, owners and regulators to develop sustainable coal mines pitlakes as a closure tool.
机译:南非有超过200多个煤炭开采的火柴。本研究的目的是确定皮特拉斯是否是南非的可持续煤矿封闭选项。该研究调查了三种选定坑湖的水平衡,化学,湖泊学和细菌。皮特拉克斯发生在南非的三个主要煤池中,是不同的采矿方法。推动皮脱水平的主要因素是降雨,径流,地下水和历史矿山工作的流入。皮特拉克斯的主要损失是表面上水的蒸发或排出水。该研究证明,皮特拉克斯可以设计为终端汇,因此在水平衡方面是可持续的封闭选择。地下水化学显示碱性pH稳定的脱脂剂,主要是硫酸钠型水,总溶解的固体含量小于3 000mg /升。浮游植物和微生物学数据表明,皮特拉克支撑了水生生命。该研究证明,随着正确的设计,煤矿PITLAKES是南非煤矿的环保封闭选择。建议的设计手册是为援助矿山规划师,业主和监管机构开发可持续煤矿皮特拉克斯作为封闭工具的设计手册。



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