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Relationship of Dental Health to Nutritional Status in Children in Grades I and II SDN 03 Curup Kota

机译:牙科健康与营养状况的关系,I和II SDN 03 SDN 03 Curup Kota



Oral health is critical because the teeth and gums are damaged and not treated will cause pain in the teeth, chewing disorders and can disrupt the body's health. Dental caries or cavities in Indonesia for tooth pains that interfere with 13% of the population per month or as much as 2.62 million per month. Riskesdas (2016) showed that 72.1% of the Indonesian population has experience cavities. This research aimed to determine the relationship of oral health on nutritional status in children of class I and II SDN 03 Curup Kota in 2017. This research used a cross-sectional design; in this study, researchers took a total data sampling, where respondents were 78 students at SDN 03 Curup Kota in 2017. Univariate analysis of most of 53 people who experienced dental caries were 32 respondents (60.4%) who had abnormal nutritional status, and a small portion of 25 respondents who were not dental caries were 20 respondents (80.0%) who have normal nutritional status. Based on the results of statistical tests Chi-Square, the test results were obtained p (0.002) <0.05, so there was a relationship between dental caries and nutritional status in children of SD 03 Curup Kota in 2017. It is expected that the respondents, especially in the children of SDN 03 Curup Kota always to maintain dental and oral hygiene.
机译:口腔健康至关重要,因为牙齿和牙龈受损,未治疗会导致牙齿疼痛,咀嚼障碍,可以扰乱身体的健康。印度尼西亚的牙齿龋齿或蛀牙,牙痛干扰每月13%的人口或每月262百万人。危险(2016年)显示,72.1%的印尼人口具有经验腔。这项研究旨在在2017年确定I和II SDN 03 Cutiu Kota儿童营养状况的口腔健康关系。这项研究采用了横截面设计;在这项研究中,研究人员采用了全面的数据抽样,其中受访者于2017年为SDN 03康复哥打咖啡馆为78名学生。大多数经历龋齿的53人的独立分析为32名受访者(60.4%)营养状况异常,以及一个没有龋齿的25名受访者的小部分是20名受访者(80.0%)营养状况。基于统计测试的结果Chi-Square,获得了测试结果p(0.002)<0.05,因此2017年SD 03康复群岛儿童龋齿与营养状况之间存在关系。预计受访者,特别是在SDN 03的儿童中,康复kota始终保持牙科和口腔卫生。



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