首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Inter-professional Health Collaboration >The Effect of Quercetin for Salt Induces Renal Fibrosis by Suppressing Collagen Production

The Effect of Quercetin for Salt Induces Renal Fibrosis by Suppressing Collagen Production




The bad effect of salt have been suspected for a least one hundred years. High salt intake increased production of TGF-β whereas TGF-β activates a receptor serine/threonine kinase (RS/TK). Through phosphorylation Smad2/3 and Co-Smad cascade, they recruited transcription factors and co-activator for initiates gene transcription for cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and extramatriks cellular production include collagen. This mechanism initiates renal fibrosis. This study was quasi-experimental research with post-test only group design. A subject was 24 male Wistar rat induced with two %/kgBB doses of NaCl 8%. The subjects were divided into six groups. NaCl 8% and quercetin were delivered by gavage daily for eight weeks. After treatment the kidneys were taken for quantification the collagen volume fraction were stained with picrosirius red then quantification by Image J software. The level of Glomerular volume collagen fraction group OO (3.78±0.12%), NO (19.05±0.99%), NK5 (19.42±3.19%) NK10 (17.14±0.70%) and NK20 (3.22±0.81). Tubular volume collagen fraction group OO (2.26±0.08%), NO (9.79±0.53%), NK5 (9.72±0.98%), NK10 (5.25+0.49%), NK20 (1.92±0.20%). Our data indicate that quercetin may be suppressing the collage volume fraction with a significant difference in the dose of 20 mg/kg BB quercetin.
机译:盐的不良效果已怀疑至少一百年。高盐摄入量增加TGF-β的产生,而TGF-β激活受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶(RS / TK)。通过磷酸化Smad2 / 3和Co-Smad级联,它们募集了用于细胞增殖,细胞分化和蛋白质细胞产生的引发基因转录的转录因子和共激活剂,包括胶原蛋白。该机制引发了肾纤维化。该研究是对试验后群设计的准实验研究。受试者是24只雄性Wistar大鼠,用两个%/ kgbb的NaCl 8%诱导。将受试者分为六组。 NaCl 8%和槲皮素每天通过Gavage递送八周。处理后,肾脏被定量进行胶原体积级分,用PICROSIRIUS红色染色,然后通过图像J软件定量。肾小球体积胶原蛋白馏分组馏分(3.78±0.12%),NO(19.05±0.99%),NK5(19.42±3.19%)NK10(17.14±0.70%)和NK20(3.22±0.81)。管状体积胶原蛋白馏分组OO(2.26±0.08%),NO(9.79±0.53%),NK5(9.72±0.98%),NK10(5.25±0.49%),NK20(1.92±0.20%)。我们的数据表明槲皮素可以抑制拼贴体积分数,其剂量差异为20mg / kg Bb槲皮素的剂量。



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