首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Biology and Applied Science >In Silico Study on Flavonoids from Red Betel as Microsomal Prostaglandin E Synthase-1 (mPGES-1) Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis

In Silico Study on Flavonoids from Red Betel as Microsomal Prostaglandin E Synthase-1 (mPGES-1) Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis




Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common rheumatic inflammatory disease. mPGES-1 is a key enzyme to convert PGH2 to PGE2, using mPGES-1 production of PGE homeostatic and other prostanoids not disturbed. The synthetic drugs for RA commonly used are oxicam derivatives (piroxicam and meloxicam), but these drugs affect due to hepatotoxins. Therefore safe drugs are needed, such as using red betel, which is Indonesian plants and used as traditional medicine. The purpose of this study is to predict the potential of flavonoids from red betel as mPGES-1 inhibitors through virtual screening techniques. The method to know the composition of flavonoids derivates with LC-MS, molecular docking and Potency Activity tests using software (PyMol, PyRx, Discovery Studio), web servers (PubChem, Protein Data Bank, Pass Server). The results showed that flavonoids derivates (Kaempferitrin, Afzelin, Rutin and Dihydrooroxylin A) were able to inhibit mPGES-1 with the same binding site as the drug, binding affinity higher than drug, the number of amino acid residues with hydrogen bonds in the active site and Probability activity (Pa) Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant and Non-Steroidal Antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs) are high.
机译:类风湿性关节炎是最常见的风湿性炎症疾病。 MPGES-1是将PGH2转化为PGE2的关键酶,使用MPGES-1生产PGE稳态和其他前列腺渗透不紊。常用的RA的合成药物是牛肉衍生物(皮索霉蛋白和美洛昔康),但这些药物因肝毒素而影响。因此,需要安全的药物,例如使用红色槟榔,这是印度尼西亚植物并用作传统医学。本研究的目的是通过虚拟筛选技术预测来自红色槟榔作为MPGES-1抑制剂的黄酮类化合物的潜力。使用软件(Pymol,Pyrx,Discovery Studio),Web服务器(Pubchem,蛋白质数据库,Pass Server),了解黄酮类化合物组合物的方法衍生黄酮类化合物,分子对接和效力活力试验。结果表明,黄酮类化合物衍生物(Kaempferitrin,Afzelin,芦丁和二氢脱氧素A)能够抑制与药物相同的结合位点的Mpges-1,与药物高于药物,氨基酸残基的氨基酸残基的数量是活性的网站和概率活性(PA)抗炎,抗氧化剂和非甾体抗炎剂(NSAIDs)高。



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