首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations >The Transformations of Vernacular / Traditional Architecture to Modern Architecture in West Africa, Liberia

The Transformations of Vernacular / Traditional Architecture to Modern Architecture in West Africa, Liberia




This paper tells the changes of vernacular architecture to modern architecture and how it can improve in some traditional design to show a nation culture beauty. This will also help to keep the memories of old architecture from one generation to another. (Modernizing traditional architecture) currently cultures desire for new and innovative ways of doing everything has created many technological and lifestyle improvements, but as a result, many perfectly good and well suited technologies have also been abandoned to the detriment of some culture and the environment. For example, modern and industrial construction techniques are taking a huge toll on the world ecology by producing staggering amounts of CO_2 emissions and toxic waste, and by consuming resources at unsustainable rates. How could it look like when looking back on the development of construction materials throughout human history and find ways of creating the structures that protect us and enrich lives without damaging the world? As it turns out, building trades have only become a destructive force in the last few hundred years. Before that time, most structures were built with methods that did little to no harm to the environment and worked within the natural capacities of the local ecology. Vernacular with continuities changes, transformations and adaptations to the different social and economic conditions of each period. Despite some views to the contrary, there continues to be a tendency to consider innovative building technology as the hallmark of modern architecture because tradition is commonly viewed as the antonym of modernity. This study investigates the transformation of traditional building to modern building and the concepts inherent in the vernacular of West Africa, particularly in Liberia.
机译:本文讲述了白话架构到现代架构的变化以及如何改进一些传统设计,以表现出国家文化美容。这也将有助于将旧建筑的记忆从一代人一代内保留给另一代。 (现代化的传统建筑)目前,文化渴望新的创新方式,一切都创造了许多技术和生活方式的改进,而且因此,许多完全良好且良好的技术也被抛弃了一些文化和环境的损害。例如,现代和工业施工技术通过生产交易量的CO_2排放和有毒废物,并通过以不可持续的速度消耗资源来造成巨大的影响。在整个人类历史上回顾建筑材料的开发时,它看起来如何看起来像创造保护我们的结构,并在不损害世界的情况下创造保护我们的结构?事实证明,建筑物交易在过去几年中只成为一个破坏性的力量。在那个时候,大多数结构都是用几乎没有伤害环境的方法建立,并在当地生态学的自然能力内工作。白话与每个时期的不同社会和经济状况发生变化,转变和适应。尽管有一些意见相反,但继续考虑创新建筑技术作为现代建筑的标志,因为传统通常被视为现代性的反义词。本研究调查了传统建筑转变为现代建筑和西非白话中固有的概念,特别是在利比里亚。



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