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Attitude of Russians Toward the Pension System and Pension Funds: Some Leading Trends




In the Russian Federation, the pension system is undergoing some serious changes: freeze the pension in 2013, raising the retirement age in 2018, guarantee an annual indexing of pensions in the draft amendments to the Constitution in 2020 - all these changes influence on the pension system, pension funds and their perception by citizens. Since the state pension still does not provide a replacement rate of 40%, and for Russians who receive twice the average income, in 2018 the replacement rate was 22%, and by 2050 it will reach only 31% - it would be logical to assume an increase in the popularity of non-state pension products, which has not yet occurred. To analyse the reasons for this situation, a number of hypotheses were analysed and a conclusion was made to confirm the theses about the dependence of the level of readiness of citizens to pension savings on such factors as income level, future orientation, financial literacy, a weak level of confidence in the pension system, dissatisfaction of some potential clients of non-government pension funds (hereinafter - NPF) with their current portfolio of products and conditions for them, as well as the availability of alternative sources of pension income.
机译:在俄罗斯联邦,养老金制度正在发生一些严重的变化:冻结2013年的养老金,提高了2018年退休年龄,担保了2020年宪法修正案草案中养老金的年度索引 - 所有这些变化对养老金的影响制度,养老基金及其公民的看法。由于州养老金仍然没有提供40%的替代率,而对于获得平均收入的两倍的俄罗斯人,在2018年的替换率为22%,到2050年,它将仅达到31% - 假设将是合乎逻辑的尚未发生的非国家养老金产品的普及增加。为了分析这种情况的原因,分析了许多假设,并进行了结论,确认了关于公民准备水平依赖于养老金的依赖性,以节省收入水平,未来导向,金融扫盲等因素。养老金制度较弱的信心水平,非政府养老基金的一些潜在客户的不满(以下简称 - NPF)与他们目前的产品组合和条件,以及养老金收入的可用性。



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