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Leading methods for promoting finished product quality




Modern leading theoretical and methodological studies demonstrate that the issue of bonuses significance in the production and economic mechanism is not controversial. Currently, an order has been established where economic incentive funds are formed according to fixed standards, approved in differentiated amounts by year of economic development cycle; the main fund-forming indicators are performance to the supply plan of finished products under the concluded contracts, increase in labour productivity, improvement of finished product quality and volume growth net profit. The introduction of long-term wage standards for the hryvnia finished product strengthens the economic interest of labour collectives in increasing labour productivity and reducing staff turnover, improving the procedure of material incentives for combining professions, high rates and criteria for evaluating quality in labour, introducing technologically founded standards. This paper focuses on the issue of assessing and determining leading methods for promoting finished product quality. We employ both theoretical and empirical tools for achieving this goal and for deriving relevant outcomes and policy implications.



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