首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Creative Media, Design and Technology >Utilization of Used-Goods as an Environmental Aesthetics Tourist Attraction Case Study: Kampong Pelangi, Semarang

Utilization of Used-Goods as an Environmental Aesthetics Tourist Attraction Case Study: Kampong Pelangi, Semarang

机译:利用二手货物作为环境美学旅游景点研究:Kampong Pelangi,Semarang



Used-goods or scraps do not only pollute the environment but also damage the aesthetics of the environment visually. Handling those scraps wrongly could cause the environment be a slum area. In contrary, by handling those scraps in a good way could not only avoid the diseases but also could upgrade the quality of the environment. One of the examples is what Kampong Pelangi society has done to their environment. Kampong Pelangi which is now a unique tourist spot in the city of Semarang has succeeded to recycle used-goods (reuse) to be the products that not only be used but also be elements of aesthetics enhancement in the village area. Because of those reasons, we are attracted to write of this research paper. The research method is qualitative study with observation approach, interview, and literature study. The expecting results of the discussion are the identification of used-goods that are used by Kampong Pelangi society. Thus, those recycled-goods become part of the visual aesthetics which become one of elements of tourism in Kampong Pelangi.
机译:二手货物或废料不仅污染环境,还损害了视觉上的环境美学。错误地处理这些碎片可能导致环境成为贫民窟地区。相反,通过以良好的方式处理这些废料,不仅可以避免疾病,还可以升级环境的质量。其中一个例子是Kampong Pelangi社会对其环境所做的。 Kampong Pelangi现在是Semarang市的独特旅游景点,成功地回收了商品(重用),成为不仅被使用的产品,而且也是村庄地区的美学增强的要素。由于这些原因,我们被写入这篇论文。研究方法是具有观察方法,面试和文学研究的定性研究。讨论的期望结果是鉴定Kampong Pelangi社会使用的二手货物。因此,这些回收商品成为视觉美学的一部分,成为Kampong Pelangi旅游的元素之一。



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