首页> 外文会议>Annual International Seminar and Conference on Global Issues >Applicating Hermeneutica on Women Islamic Law: Study on Khaled Abou el Fadl Thought on Women Fiqh in CRLO Fatwa

Applicating Hermeneutica on Women Islamic Law: Study on Khaled Abou el Fadl Thought on Women Fiqh in CRLO Fatwa

机译:伊斯兰教法的应用艾米伦卡:Khaled Abou El Fadl在Carlo Fatwa女性Fiqh的思考



The debateble issues of fiqh which is still considered an unfinished reading, are the questions about "female jurisprudence". So far, fiqh products on women issues are considered discriminatory, disrespectful of women's rights even seem to harass women. In this sense, sharia is always regarded as the best, fair and balanced, while fiqh is just an attempt to achieve the ideals and goals of sharia (maqashid al-syari'ah). This article aims to analys the critique of Khaled Abou El Fadl to fatwa of Council for Scientific Research and legal Opinion (CLRO) which seems tend to textual authoritarianism model. Trough hermeutics approach this article finds that one of the most important breakthroughs presented by Khaled Abou El Fadl to fight authoritarianism is against the attempts of forcible conquest and the closing of the text by the reader. For him, the text remains free, open, and autonomous. In fact, the same idea was also presented by Farid Esack by understanding the Koran as "progressive revelation". The Living God is actively involved in the affairs of the world and Muslims. One of his manifestations is to send prophets as instruments of his progressive revelation. The characteristics of the Koran are also active and progressive as the gradual decline of the Qur'an (tadriji). Therefore, to avoid authoritarian attitudes is to remain aware that the text "a constantly changing work" or a "progressive revelation." So that all forms of interpretation and understanding will continue to be active, dynamic and progressive.
机译:仍被视为未完成的阅读的FIQH的辩论问题是关于“女性法学”的问题。到目前为止,妇女问题的FiQH产品被认为是歧视性的,甚至似乎骚扰妇女的权利甚至不尊重。从这个意义上讲,伊斯兰教始终被认为是最好的,公平和平衡的,而Fiqh只是一种尝试实现伊斯兰教的理想和目标(Maqashid Al-Syari'ah)。本文旨在分析科尔德阿布埃尔Fadl对Satwa议员的科学研究和法律意见(CLRO)的批评,似乎倾向于文本威权主义模式。 Trough Hermeutics方法本文发现,Khaled Abou El Fadl以战斗权威主义提出的最重要的突破是反对强制征服和读者闭幕的尝试。对他来说,文本仍然是免费的,开放和自主的。事实上,通过了解古兰经作为“渐进式启示”,也通过FARID封锁呈现了同样的想法。生活上帝积极参与世界和穆斯林的事务。他的一个表现形式是将先知作为他的渐进式启示录制。古兰经的特征也是作为古兰经(Tadriji)的逐步衰落的积极和渐进性。因此,为了避免专制态度,仍然意识到文本“不断变化的工作”或“渐进式启示”。因此,所有形式的解释和理解都将继续积极,动态和进步。



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