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Parents' Marital Status and Psychological Distress among College Students




The main objective of the recent study was to explore the association between parents' marital status and psychological distress in college student. The sample consisted of 1024 students from various colleges in Indonesia (297 men and 727 women). Psychological distress was measured by the Bahasa Indonesia version of Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25). The result of descriptive statistics proved that most of the participants had high psychological distress. Participants raised by married parents tend to have lower psychological distress than participants raised by widowed or divorced parent(s). The analysis of each aspect showed that participants raised by widowed parent had higher anxiety than participants raised by married parents. Meantime, participants raised by divorced parents had higher depression compared to participants raised by married parents. It also indicated the interactions between gender, parent's marital status, and psychological distress. These findings could be reference for academic counselor to enforce a prevention program for college students who may suffer from high psychological distress, especially for college students who raised in divorced or widowed families.
机译:最近的研究的主要目标是探讨父母婚姻学生婚姻状况与心理困境之间的关联。该样本由印度尼西亚各种学院(297名男性和727名女性)组成的1024名学生。 Bahasa印度尼西亚的霍普金斯症状核对清单-25(HSCL-25)衡量了心理困扰。描述性统计的结果证明,大多数参与者都有很高的心理困扰。已婚父母提出的参与者往往比丧偶或离婚父母提出的参与者更低的心理困扰。对每个方面的分析表明,丧偶父母提出的参与者比已婚父母所提出的参与者更高的焦虑。与此同时,与已婚父母提出的参与者相比,离婚父母提出的参与者具有更高的抑郁症。它还表明,性别,父母的婚姻状况和心理窘迫之间的相互作用。这些调查结果可以参考学术顾问,为可能患有高性能痛苦的大学生来执行预防计划,特别是对于在离婚或丧偶家庭中提出的大学生。



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