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A Comparative Study of City Branding Through Twitter Usage Patterns




Both Beijing and Washtington DC are capital cities, but Washington DC has outperformed Beijing in promoting itself. Twitter as a new social media, has become the new field of city branding. So this paper attempts to take Beijing and Washington DC as examples to study their city branding performances on the platform of twitter under the theoretical framework by M. Kavaratzis. These two capital cities have their respective official accounts: @Beijingofficial and @washingtondc. The contents of their tweets within a certain period of time and their ways and frequency of interaction with followers are to be analyzed. Results show that although contents are varied in these two accounts, they use similar ways of interaction with their followers. While Washington DC has higher frequency of interaction with its followers, Beijing are already good at city branding strategies, meeting the level of tertiary communication advised by M. Kavaratzis.
机译:北京和小丁顿特区都是首都城市,但华盛顿特区已经表现优于北京推广自己。推特作为一个新的社交媒体,已成为城市品牌的新领域。因此,本文试图将北京和华盛顿特区作为示例,以便在M. Kavaratzis的理论框架下研究他们的城市品牌表演。这两个首都城市有各自的官方账户:@北京官邸和@Washingtondc。在一定时间段内的推文内容及其与追随者的互动的方式和频率的内容将被分析。结果表明,虽然内容在这两个账户中有所不同,但它们使用与他们的追随者相似的互动方式。虽然华盛顿特区与其追随者的互动频率较高,但北京已经擅长城市品牌策略,而符合M. Kavaratzis建议的高等教育沟通水平。



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