首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia >From Limited to Selected: Towards the Library of Children-Friendly Pesantren in Indonesia

From Limited to Selected: Towards the Library of Children-Friendly Pesantren in Indonesia




This article is based on the uniqueness of pesantren as a religious educational institution known for having high authority and independence, which implements a typical learning culture development especially related to the mastery of religious knowledge for santri who are generally in the system for 24 hours. On the other hand, the right to obtain information for santri and pesantren residents need to be developed in order to meet the needs and keep up with the times. This paper will discuss implementation of children-friendly library as part of the concept of children-friendly pesantren which is being developed in Indonesia in the last decade. The research was conducted by qualitative method in the form of case study conducted to find out how the culture of information access as the spearhead and core of library services as the center of information and learning resource in some pesantren in Indonesia and try to design the concept of library of children-friendly pesantren which is expected. Thus, the library can play an optimal role in supporting the vision, mission and objectives of the pesantren as a religious social system. The research was done by descriptive analysis, where the data and information were obtained by using literature study method, direct observation and interviews with informant that is library manager of pesantren and santri as a user. The results of the study will also illustrate the proposed concept of children-friendly pesantren library in Indonesia that accommodates the needs of users and in accordance with Islamic norms that has been supported by some written commitments and regulations as a policy, the implementation of children-friendly learning processes, educators and education personnel trained children's rights, children-friendly facilities and infrastructure, children's participation and also parent, community institutions, businesses, and other stakeholders participation including alumni.



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