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Analysis of Biomechanics Slap Hit and Push in The Field Hockey




In the study will describe about the variables that provide support in the implementation of the slap hit and push to be used as a curriculum in the basic techniques of coaching at an early age in schools and clubs. Data retrieval is done by using two Sony Handycam HDX 450 on six athletes PELATNAS as an experienced athlete and six athletes PUSLATCAB of Surabaya as inexperienced athletes in conducting each trial five basic techniques of the slap hit and push. In this study the results of the recordings analyzed at a distance away, the angle of the right arm, right leg, left leg, and added speed and distance of drag on a technical analysis of the push to gain speed and accuracy results. The analysis of the results obtained using significant level ρ (0.05) showed that there was no difference in the ability of the slap hit in significant among both groups of either accuracy or speed but there is a difference the ability significant at the time push. In this study recommend the coach to pay attention to the angle of the arm and a leg at the time of the slap hit, as well as increase the distance and speed of drag on the technique of push to get maximum speed and high accuracy. And reduce the risk of injury during practice and on.
机译:在这项研究将介绍有关在巴掌打到的实施提供支持和推动被用作自幼在学校和俱乐部教练的基本技术课程的变量。数据检索是通过对6个运动员PELATNAS使用两台索尼Handycam的HDX 450作为一个经验丰富的运动员和泗水的6个运动员PUSLATCAB如在进行每次试验的巴掌打到加推的五大基本技术经验的运动员完成。在这项研究中记录的结果在距离分析了,右手臂,右腿,左腿的角度,并增加了速度和阻力的距离上推增益速度和精度结果的技术分析。使用表明,有一个在拍击命中在显著任精度或速度的两个组之间的能力没有差别,但有一个区别在时间推显著的能力显著水平ρ(0.05)中获得的结果的分析。在这项研究中推荐的教练要注意手臂的角度,并在巴掌打到的时候一条腿,以及增加推动的技术阻力的距离和速度,以获得最大的速度和精度高。和减少实践中和受伤的风险。



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