首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Energy and Mining Law >Law Enforcement to the Mining Crime of Class of C Without Permission Under Law No. 4 Year 2009 On Mineral Mining and Coal

Law Enforcement to the Mining Crime of Class of C Without Permission Under Law No. 4 Year 2009 On Mineral Mining and Coal




This paper aims to find solutions related to law enforcement to the mining crime of class of C without permission under Law No. 4 years 2009 on Mineral Mining and Coal. The handling of unlicensed Mining Permit cases that occurred in several regions in Indonesia has been proven by several cases processed and already transferred to the prosecutor's office for trial in some first instance courts or even at the level of the supreme court with the violated Article is Article 158 of Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal M ining juncto Article 109 juncto Article 116 of Law Number 32 Year 2009 on the Environment juncto Article 55, 56 paragraph (1) for 1 of Criminal Code. The application of material criminal provisions to cases of mining crimes without permission and without environmental permit is in accordance with the applicable law, based on legal facts found at the time of the investigation, whether in the form of witness statements and with the evidence and the recognition of the suspect all of which are in contravention of the article in the conjecture so that the Police have conducted an investigation and subsequently delegated to the Prosecutor for the prosecution process.
机译:本文旨在发现下号的矿产开采和煤炭4年2009年法律与执法C类的采矿罪未经许可的解决方案。无证采矿许可证的情况下发生在印尼一些地区的处理已经在一些初审法院,甚至在最高法院与违反本办法的水平处理,并已转移到检察官办公室审理几起案件被证明是条矿物及煤中号2009的4号法158对环境款以及第55条,56条(1),用于刑法1进不去法编号32 2009年款以及第109条款以及第116条。材料刑法规定采矿犯罪案件未经许可和未经环保许可申请是依照适用法律的基础上,证人陈述的形式,并与证据和在调查时发现,无论是法律事实其中,识别犯罪嫌疑人全部都在违反的猜想,以便警方进行了调查,随后交给检察官的起诉过程中的文章。



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