首页> 外文会议>Asian Association for Public Administration Annual Conference >The existence of local wisdom through community protection unit (satlinmas) as the street-level bureaucrat in community security, orderliness and tranquility in Surakarta city

The existence of local wisdom through community protection unit (satlinmas) as the street-level bureaucrat in community security, orderliness and tranquility in Surakarta city




The feeling of secure is basic service obligatorily fulfilled by every state to its citizens. To give security protection, Indonesian government establishes Satuan Perlindungan Masyarakat or Community Protection Unit (thereafter called Satlinmas). Satlinmas, as a street-level bureaucrat, serves to help create security, orderliness, and tranquility of community. It is also the manifestation of New Public Service involving the community in creating the feeling of secure in respective environment. One of local wisdom forms represented in Satlinmas is life philosophy "sepi ing pamrih rame ing gawe" (expecting less reward, and working more) and "nguwongke uwong", meaning that humanizing human being during undertaking the duty. It is in line with the fulfillment of secure feeling by government as mentioned in Human Governance. This research will study the characteristics of Street-level Bureaucrat according to Lipsky (1969) including: routine interaction with community, occupation independency and potential impact on the community. This study was a descriptive qualitative research. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and document analysis. The informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data validation was carried out using data triangulation technique, while data analysis using interactive model of analysis.
机译:安全的感觉是每个州都履行其公民的基本服务。为了给予安全保护,印度尼西亚政府建立了卫源佩林亨·米萨克特或社区保护单位(此后称为Satlarlinmas)。 Satlanmas作为街道级官僚,有助于创造安全,有序和社区宁静。它也是新的公共服务的表现,涉及社区在各自环境中创造安全的感觉。在萨特林马斯中代表的当地智慧形式之一是生命哲学“Sepi Ing Pamrih Rame Ing Gawe”(期待较少奖励,更多的工作)和“Nguwongke Uwong”,这意味着在进行职责期间人性化人性化。正如人类治理所提到的那样符合政府的安全感。本研究将研究丽脂(1969)的街道级官僚的特点,包括:与社区,占领独立性和对社区潜在影响的常规互动。本研究是一个描述性定性研究。收集数据的技术采访,观察和文件分析。使用目的采样技术选择信息。数据验证是使用数据三角测量技术进行的,而使用分析的交互式模型的数据分析。



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