首页> 外文会议>Annual International Meeting of The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers >Geospatial Landscape Analysis for Livestock Manure Management in Western Pennsylvania

Geospatial Landscape Analysis for Livestock Manure Management in Western Pennsylvania




Intensive agricultural activities in southeastern Pennsylvania (PA) are a leading source of nutrient pollution of the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake Bay water quality regulations issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency,in 2010 require reductions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment from agriculture by approximately one quarter by 2025. A dilemma for the state is how to maintain a vibrant agricultural economy while meeting regulatory targets. One strategy that is receiving significant interest is agricultural development in the state outside the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The soils of western PA have relatively low soil test P values and act as the potential nutrient sinks which may provide an opportunity for new animal agriculture there. However, a detailed environmental impact assessment needs to be conducted before these opportunities could be realized. The overall goals of the study are to conduct a geospatial analysis and develop tools to explore the potential for sustainable manure management in western PA. The objectives of the study are to (i) develop a framework for identifying environmentally feasible areas for manure utilization; (ii) develop tools to delineate an area that could accommodate the manure generated froma new livestockfarm (i.e., "manureshed"). A pilot study was conducted in three counties in western PA, Armstrong, Indiana, and Westmoreland. In total, 46293 ha (114,392 acres) have been identified as the suitable area for manure utilization. The tools developed to delineate a manureshed can be utilized based on a user-defined location for a potential new animal facility and details about the desired facility size. We expect that the-methods and tools developed are transferable to other regions, and thatwould be suitable for expansion of animal agriculture in a sustainable manner.
机译:宾夕法尼亚州东南部(PA)的集约农业活动是切萨皮克湾的营养污染的主要来源。美国环保局发布的切萨皮克湾水质法规要求将农业的氮,磷和沉积物减少到2025年。国家的困境是如何在会议时保持充满活力的农业经济监管目标。一个受到重大兴趣的战略是切萨皮克湾流域外的国家的农业发展。 Western Pa的土壤具有相对低的土壤测试P值,并充当潜在的营养水槽,这可能为那里的新动物农业提供机会。但是,需要在这些机会实现之前进行详细的环境影响评估。该研究的总体目标是进行地理空间分析和开发工具,以探索西部培养的可持续肥料管理潜力。该研究的目标是(i)制定一个框架识别粪便利用的环境可行区域; (ii)开发工具来描绘一个可以容纳从新的牲畜粪便(即“浮动”)生成的粪便的区域。试点研究是在帕,阿姆斯特朗,印第安纳州和威斯特马德的三个县进行的。共有46293公顷(114,392英亩)已被鉴定为粪肥利用的合适区域。开发用于描绘粪便的工具可以根据用户定义的位置用于潜在的新动物设施以及有关所需设施大小的细节。我们预计开发的方法和工具可转移​​到其他地区,并且适合以可持续的方式扩展动物农业。



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