首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Management Society >The Integration of Ink Art and Modern Advertising Design-Analysis of the Effect of Ink Dots in Advertising Design in the Teaching of Art History

The Integration of Ink Art and Modern Advertising Design-Analysis of the Effect of Ink Dots in Advertising Design in the Teaching of Art History




Ink dot, a form of ink art, is put to use in graphic design, bringing attractive design language expression which also full of personality characteristics. Analyzing ink technique in the teaching of art history and its performance and function in the modern advertising and explore the method of performance analysis of the ink point method, strengthened the students' ability of application, is an attempt at reform about course combined with the characteristics of the Advertising professional. A brief history of art course for advertising majors is to provide certain artistic materials and references for advertising design. In the history of Oriental art, especially in the history of Chinese art, the representative ink art can bring people Oriental aesthetic interest. And when this kind of aesthetic feeling form is applied in modern design, it helps contemporary design build a kind of special Oriental charm. This paper takes the ink dot, a form of ink art that reflects the Oriental beauty, as the research object. Analyzed the ink dot and its application in modern design to help students build a bridge between the ink element in traditional art and modern advertising design, which is in order to be used in the future advertising professional design practice and innovate. Due to the limitation of space, the discussion scope of advertising design in this paper is graphic design.



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