首页> 外文会议>International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology >The relationship between emotional maturity and social adjustment with migrant employees' psychological well-being at ptpelabuhan samudera palaran samarinda

The relationship between emotional maturity and social adjustment with migrant employees' psychological well-being at ptpelabuhan samudera palaran samarinda

机译:在PTPELABUHAN Samudera Palaran Samarinda与移民雇员心理福祉的情感成熟度与社会调整的关系



Migrant employees at Palaran Port, Samarinda, encounter different social and cultural environment compared with their hometown, living and working in multiethnic social environment, and being separated from their head family and hometown. Referring those situations, the quality of their emotional maturity and social adjustment had high possibility for directing psychological well-being state. This research investigated the relationship between emotional maturity and social adjustment with psychological well-being of migrant employees at PT Pelabuhan Samudera Palaran Samarinda. The research was a population study and consisting of forty-two people as respondents. Three instruments were used in this research. The research was using multiple linear regression analysis to determine relationship between emotional maturity and social adjustment with psychological well-being. The result showed there was positive, strong, and significant relationship between emotion maturity and social adjustment to the psychological well-being of migrant employees at PT Pelabuhan Samudera Palaran Samarinda. Based on additional analysis, there was positive, moderate, and significant correlation between emotional maturity and psychological well-being, and also a positive, weak, and significant correlation between social adjustment and psychological well-being. While quality of emotional maturity was followed by social adjustment would lead to high psychological well-being state, the quality of emotional maturity wasn't followed by social adjustment would lead to moderate psychological well-being state and the quality of social adjustment that wasn't followed by emotional maturity would lead to weak psychological well-being state.
机译:Palaran Port的移民雇员,萨马林达,遭遇不同的社会和文化环境,与他们的家乡,生活和工作在不同种族的社会环境中,并与他们的头部和家乡分开。参考这些情况,他们的情绪成熟度和社会调整的质量有很高的可能导致心理幸福状态。本研究调查了情绪成熟度与社会调整与PT Pelabuhan Samudera Palaran Samarinda的心理福祉之间的关系。该研究是一个人口研究,并由四十人作为受访者组成。在这项研究中使用了三种仪器。研究采用多元线性回归分析,以确定情绪成熟与心理福祉之间的社会调整之间的关系。结果表明,情绪成熟度和社会调整对PT Pelabuhan Samudera Palaran Samarinda的心理员工的心理福祉之间存在积极,强烈,有关的关系。基于额外的分析,情绪成熟度和心理福祉之间存在阳性,温和,和显着的相关性,以及社会调整与心理福祉之间的积极,弱点和重要的相关性。虽然情绪成熟的质量随之而来的虽然社会调整将导致高性能幸福状态,但情绪成熟度的质量并不是社会调整会导致中度心理幸福状态和社会调整质量而不是随后的情绪成熟将导致心理幸福状态疲软。



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