首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering >Parallel Simulation of Pattern formation in a reaction-diffusion system of Fitzhugh-Nagumo Using GPU CUDA

Parallel Simulation of Pattern formation in a reaction-diffusion system of Fitzhugh-Nagumo Using GPU CUDA

机译:使用GPU CUDA的Fitzhugh-Nagumo反应扩散系统模式形成的平行模拟



One of the reaction- diffusion type differential equations is the formation of the Turing pattern. This paper describes the numerical simulation of the reaction-diffusion equations of FitzHugh-Nahumo model. This model is one of Turing systems, which can be used as a mathematical model of pattern formation in animal skin. The model is solved numerically using a finite difference method while the time evolution is discretized by using explicit Euler scheme. For reduction, the elapsed time, the parallel algorithm based on Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) with CUDA was used. This study compares the elapsed time of the CPU and GPU, numerical experiments were carried out using various mesh sizes. The results show that parallel implementation of GPU achieves acceleration up to 12 times faster than the serial CPU implementation. The greater the computing resources needed will make GPU use more optimal.
机译:其中一个反应 - 扩散型微分方程是形成图案图案的形成。 本文介绍了Fitzhugh-Nahumo模型的反应扩散方程的数值模拟。 该模型是图灵系统之一,可以用作动物皮肤中图案形成的数学模型。 使用明确的欧拉方案,使用有限差分法在数值上使用有限差分方法来解决该模型。 为了减少,使用经过的时间,基于与CUDA的图形处理单元(GPU)的并行算法。 该研究比较了CPU和GPU的经过时间,使用各种网状尺寸进行数值实验。 结果表明,GPU的并行实现实现了比串行CPU实现快12倍的加速度。 所需的计算资源越大,将使GPU使用更优化。



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