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Self-Regulation Toward Entrepreneurship Intention: Mediated by Self-Efficacy in the Digital Age




This study aims to determine the effect of self-regulation on entrepreneurial intentions mediated by self-efficacy on students. The subjects of this study were 180 students of the Muhammadiyah University of Malang. The characteristics of research subjects are students who have attended entrepreneurship courses or workshops. Data collection uses a Likert scale to measure the variables. The data analysis method used is Mediated Multiple Regression using SPSS ver. 22 for windows. Based on the analysis results obtained β = 0.804**, then the hypothesis is accepted. A student who has high self-regulation will increase entrepreneurial intentions. The magnitude of the effect of self-regulation on entrepreneurial intentions is mediated by self-efficacy, which is 28.9% (R~2 = 0.289).
机译:本研究旨在确定自我调节对学生自我效能感应的创业意图的影响。 本研究的主题是玛琅Muhammadiyah大学的180名学生。 研究科目的特征是出席了企业家精神课程或研讨会的学生。 数据收集使用李克特缩放来测量变量。 使用的数据分析方法使用SPSS Ver介绍多元回归。 22窗户。 基于分析结果获得β= 0.804 **,然后接受假设。 具有高自我监管的学生将增加企业家意图。 自我调节对创业意图的影响的大小由自我效能介导,即28.9%(R〜2 = 0.289)。



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