
A Framework of Building Effective MOOCs




Massive Online Open Courses or MOOCs might be one of the most popular ways on e-learning, which facilitate to access quality education for learners residing in far or disadvantaged areas. MOOCs have several modes for providing learning resources, but not all courses could meet student goals. To MOOCs designers and managers, it's important to build an effective MOOC, that how to identify the effectiveness of a MOOC is equally important. The MOOCs stakeholders face arge of opportunities and challenges. In this paper, firstly we analyze the evolution of MOOCs including types of MOOCs, development stages of MOOCs, evaluation dimension to an effective MOOC, and automated tools for MOOCs delivery or assessment. Next we conclude main challenges and affected factors to MOOCs stakeholders in MOOC design, delivery, and assessment for improving the quality of MOOC. Finally we propose a framework where could help each MOOCs stakeholder clear the main task or critical affected quality factors.
机译:大规模的在线开放课程或MOOCS可能是电子学习中最受欢迎的方式之一,这有助于获得居住在远行或处于弱势地区的学习者的优质教育。 Moocs有几种方式提供学习资源,但并非所有课程都可以满足学生目标。对于Moocs设计师和管理者来说,建立一个有效的MOOC非常重要,即如何识别MOOC的有效性同样重要。穆克斯利益攸关方面临机遇和挑战。在本文中,首先,我们分析了MOOC的演变,包括MOOCs的类型,MOOC的开发阶段,评价维度为有效的MOOC,以及MOOCS递送或评估的自动化工具。接下来,我们将主要挑战和影响因素结束为Moocs利益攸关方,以提高MOOC质量的MOOC设计,交付和评估。最后,我们提出了一个框架,可以帮助每个Moocs利益相关者清除主要任务或关键影响质量因素的框架。



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