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Lysozyme-Enzybiotic with Valuable Effects in Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative Complications in Adult Patients After Bilateral Tonsillectomy

机译:溶菌酶 - 酶,具有卓越的术语术后患者术后并发症的有价值的效果,双侧扁桃体切除术后



Introduction: Enzybiotics are enzymes with antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and safety of enzy-biotic lysozyme in combination with pyridoxine for the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications after bilateral tonsillectomy. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as randomized controlled, parallel-group, open, prospective, multicenter clinical study in adult patients after bilateral tonsillectomy. 160 patients were randomized to the lysozyme + pyridoxine or control group. Efficacy was evaluated by: Visual analog scale (for pain), clinical signs (for wound healing and postoperative complications), and the need for treatment (with analgesics and systemic antimicrobials). Safety was evaluated by reporting adverse effects. Results: Lysozyme + pyridoxine was superior to control with respect to the pain reduction (starting already from the first day of treatment), the reduction of local fibrin deposits and the need for analgesics. No statistically significant difference was seen regarding local bleeding (less than 15% patients in both groups) and infection (less than 5% patients in both groups). Systemic antibiotics were used by 16 patients (19.1%) in lysozyme + pyridoxine group and 24 patients (31.6%) in control group (no statistical difference, P > 0.050). Conclusion: Lysozyme + pyridoxine showed beneficial effects in respect of suppression of pain with subsequent lower need for analgesics, as well as in the faster process of healing of postoperative scar. Moreover, next to its suitability for application, lysozyme + pyridoxine lozenges showed excellent tolerability and safety profile.
机译:简介:酶是具有抗微生物和免疫调节活性的酶。本研究的目的是探讨Enzy-Biotic Lysozyme与吡哆醇组合预防和治疗双侧滴落切除术后术后并发症的效果和安全性。材料和方法:该研究设计为在双侧扁桃体切除术后成人患者随机控制,平行组,开放,前瞻性的多中心临床研究。 160名患者随机分配给溶菌酶+吡哆醇或对照组。通过以下方式评估疗效:视觉模拟规模(用于疼痛),临床症状(用于伤口愈合和术后并发症),以及治疗的需要(镇痛药和全身抗菌药物)。通过报告不利影响评估安全性。结果:溶菌酶+吡哆醇对相对于疼痛减少的控制(从治疗的第一天开始),局部纤维蛋白沉积物的减少以及对镇痛药的需求。关于局部出血(两组患者少于15%的患者)和感染(两组患者低于5%),没有看到统计学上显着的差异。通过16名患者(19.1%)在溶菌酶+吡哆醇基团中使用全身抗生素和对照组的24名患者(31.6%)(无统计差异,P> 0.050)。结论:溶菌酶+吡哆醇对抑制疼痛的抑制作用,随后对镇痛药进行抑制,以及术后瘢痕的愈合过程更快。此外,在其适用性的应用中,溶菌酶+吡哆醇锭剂显示出优异的耐受性和安全性。



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