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Best Practices in Globalizing Engineering Students




In the fall of 2013, Texas Tech University (TTU) and the Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering (WCOE) implemented a requirement for all undergraduate engineering students to participate in an international experience as part of their degree plan. The intent behind this initiative is to facilitate the preparation of future engineers at the college level to become part of an ever-increasing international profession. In the implementation of the International Experience Initiative (IEI), the members of the International Engineering Programs (IEP) Office discovered a series of best practices to help globalize engineering students. These best practices include leveraging advisors and peer advisors called the Engineering Diplomats to educate and recruit students on their international opportunities, the marketing of programs, and maximizing partnerships and creating customized programs. Marketing is an essential tool needed to promote programs. Since the IEI's inception, IEP updated its website, created flyers for all programs, and established email marketing for engineering students. Throughout this paper, we will provide examples of creative material, data on the increase in student participation and of web traffic as a direct result of marketing. Through partnerships with providers, IEP collaborates to create diverse programs that meet student interests, personal needs, and future career goals. This is done by examining past, present, and future programming with specific partners. In the past, IEP created an ongoing summer research exchange with Universidad del Norte (UniNorte) using the support services of International Studies Abroad (ISA). Today, IEP and Butler University Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA-Butler) collaborated to create a program that has curriculum available for multiple universities that focuses on engineering and culture. Looking toward the future, IEP and Cultural Experience Abroad (CEA) are creating three geographically diverse programs while integrating engineering curriculum and cultural immersion.
机译:在2013年秋季,德克萨斯州理工大学(TTU)和Edward E. Whitacre Jr.工程学院(WCoe)为所有本科工程学生实施了作为学位计划的一部分的国际经验。这项倡议背后的意图是为了促进大学层面的未来工程师,成为一个不断增加的国际职业的一部分。在执行国际经验倡议(IEI)的情况下,国际工程方案(IEP)办公室的成员发现了一系列最佳实践,以帮助全球化工程学生。这些最佳做法包括利用顾问和同行顾问称为工程外交官,教育和招募学生的国际机会,计划的营销,以及最大化伙伴关系和创造定制计划。营销是促进计划所需的重要工具。自Iei的成立以来,IEP更新了其网站,为所有计划创建了传单,并为工程学生建立了电子邮件营销。在本文中,我们将提供创意材料的例子,关于学生参与和Web流量的增加的数据作为营销的直接结果。通过与提供商的伙伴关系,IEP合作创建各种计划,满足学生的兴趣,个人需求和未来的职业目标。这是通过用特定合作伙伴审查过去,现在和未来的编程来完成的。过去,IEP使用国外国际研究的支持服务(ISA)创建了与Universidad del Norte(Uninorite)的持续暑期研究交流。今天,IEP和巴特勒大学出国留学研究所(IFSA-Butler)合作创建一个计划,该计划具有专注于工程和文化的多个大学的课程。展望未来,IEP和国外的文化体验(CEA)正在整合工程课程和文化浸没时创造三个地理位置不同的计划。



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