首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Teacher Training and Education >Practicality of Islamic Religious Education Module Anti-Radicalism and Terrorism Nuance on Islamic Religious Educational Subject

Practicality of Islamic Religious Education Module Anti-Radicalism and Terrorism Nuance on Islamic Religious Educational Subject




The subject of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) is the compulsory subject in college. IRE subject in universities needs to be prepared, delivered, and practiced in a practical and efficient way to prevent the development of student thoughts and behaviors leading to the occurrence of acts of radicalism and terrorism. Prevention of the action of radicalism and terrorism among students can be done by providing IRE module that nuanced anti-radicalism and terrorism during the lecture. IRE module nuanced anti-radicalism and terrorism can be a bridge of student know ledge with the reality of life. The purpose of this research is to produce IRE module nuanced anti-radicalism and terrorism which practically in IRE subject. This research uses development research design with 4-D development model. This development model consists of 4 stages: define, design, development, and disseminate. In this study, it is limited to the module practicality stage. Practicality of the module is done by trial and filling questionnaires by 12 students who are taking IRE subject. IRE module nuances of anti-radicalism and terrorism is categorized as practical with practical value of 85.97%. It can be concluded that the Islamic religious education module nuanced anti radicalism and terrorism has been used in learning in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.
机译:伊斯兰宗教教育(IRE)的主题是大学的义务主题。大学的IRE主题需要以实际和高效的方式制定,交付和实践,以防止学生思想和行为导致激进主义和恐怖主义行为的行为。通过在讲座期间提供肠系模块,可以通过提供肠系模块来完成学生自然主义和恐怖主义的行动。 IRE模块患者对抗自由基和恐怖主义可以成为一个学生的桥梁,以现实的生活而了解山地。本研究的目的是产生IRE模块的差异差异的抗自由基和恐怖主义,实际上是在IRE主题中的。本研究采用了具有4-D开发模式的开发研究设计。此开发模型由4个阶段组成:定义,设计,开发和传播。在这项研究中,它限于模块实用阶段。模块的实用性是通过试验和填写调查问卷的12名正在接受IRS主题的学生完成的。抗自由主义和恐怖主义的IRE模块分别分为实际价值85.97%的实用性。可以得出结论,伊斯兰宗教教育模块对斯科普佩里苏马特萨拉特的学习中学习了差异的抗自由基和恐怖主义。



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