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A New Radial-Azimuth Thermal Anemometer for Determining the Direction and Velocity of Fluid Flow in the Wellbore




Measurement of fluid flow,especially for small values of flow rate,is important and,at the same time,a difficult task [1,8-11].The need for reliable measurement of this parameter is especially important for operating well logging.There are many flow measurement methods that are based on measuring the flow rate when the cross-sectional area is known.A wide-spread thermo-anemometer method was obtained in the study of producing wells.Its operation is based on the dependence of the body heat transfer on the flow velocity of its cooling fluid flow [3-5].Thermal anemometers are used to detect inflow and uptake intervals; determination of leakage of the column under low-rate conditions,when mechanical flow-meter is ineffective.The sensors are reliable,compact,have low inertness.But with all the advantages,thermal anemometers have their own limitations: 1.Only the first inflow interval is well defined,then the sensitivity decreases sharply; 2.The change in ambient temperature can be perceived as a change in the composition or velocity of the fluid,which reduces the efficiency of determining the radial flow; 3.The instrument's readings are strongly influenced by the axial flow of the liquid In this regard,the development of more effective thermal anemometer sensor remains an urgent task.In this case,the development of an azimuthally-distributed thermal anemometer of indirect heating is one of the possible ways [6,7].The main idea of the method The essence of the idea of an azimuthally distributed thermal anemometer is as follows: The thermoanemometer has not one thermosensitive element,but four,which are located symmetrically and evenly in one plane of the cross section of the body(Figure 1(B)).Let's assume that the thermal anemometer(figure 1(A))is in the production well.Accordingly,there is an axial flow(ascending),and also a radial flow(inflow of liquid).The sensor goes down to the required depth,and after turning on the heater it starts to rise at a constant speed.In the presence of an upward flow of liquid Q1(Figure 1),the temperature difference of the outer surface of the sensor body,registered by the temperature-sensitive elements 1 and 2,3 and 4,will be zero.In this case,the electronic information processing device will indicate the absence of a lateral fluid flow.If,in addition to the flow Q1,there is also a flow of fluid Q2,directed perpendicular to the sensor housing,the cylindrical surface from the side of the oncoming stream Q2 will be cooled more intensively,due to which its temperature will be lower than the surface temperature of the cylinder on the diametrically opposite side.This temperature difference is recorded by the corresponding thermo-sensitive elements,and the electronic information processing device will indicate the presence and direction of the lateral fluid flow.The greater the number of pairs of thermosensitive elements,the more certain it is possible to register the presence of a side stream,with the other things being equal(the diameter and thickness of the shell walls,the length of the sensor working surface)and more accurately determine the vector of its direction.It is possible to improve the accuracy of determining the direction of the lateral fluid flow,carrying out by means of an electronic device the processing of information from thermocouples according to a given algorithm.
机译:流体流量的测量,特别是对流速的小的值,是很重要的,并且在同一时间,一项困难的任务[1,8-11] .The需要该参数的可靠的测量是用于运作良好logging.There特别重要是基于测量流量时,截面积是known.A广泛分布的热风速仪在生产wells.Its操作的研究中获得的方法是基于所述体热的依赖许多流量测量方法它的冷却流体流的流速转移[3-5]。热风速计被用来检测流入和摄取间隔;低速率的条件下该柱,当机械流量计是ineffective.The传感器是可靠的,紧凑的,泄漏的判定具有低inertness.But与所有优点,热风速计具有其自身的局限性:1.Only第一流入间隔被很好地定义,则灵敏度急剧下降;在环境温度变化2.可被感知为在该组合物或流体,从而降低确定所述径向流动的效率,速度变化; 3.仪器的读数由所述液体的轴向流动在这方面的强烈影响,更有效的热风速仪传感器的发展仍然迫切task.In这种情况下,间接加热的方位角分布的热力式风速仪的发展是一个的可能方式[6,7] .The方法的方位角分布热力式风速仪的思想的实质是作为主要思想如下:thermoanemometer具有不一个热敏元件,但四个它们对称且均匀地位于一个主体(图1(B))的横截面的平面。让我们假设该热风速仪(图1(A))是在生产well.Accordingly,有一个轴向流动(升序),并且还径向流动(流入的液体)。该传感器下降到所要求的深度,并接通加热器后它开始以恒定speed.In上升液体Q1的上升流的存在(图1),的温度差传感器主体的外表面由温度敏感元件1和2,3和4注册,将zero.In这种情况下,电子信息处理设备将表示不存在的横向流体flow.If的,除了流量Q1,有也流体Q2的流动,朝向垂直于传感器外壳,迎面而来的流Q2侧的圆筒状的表面将被更强烈地冷却,由于其它的温度将高于缸体的上相对的径向表面温度较低side.This温度差是由相应的热敏元件记录,并且所述电子信息处理装置将指示的横向流体flow.The更大的存在和方向对热敏元件的数量越多,一定能够寄存器的侧流的存在下,与其它条件相同(壳壁的直径和厚度,传感器的工作表面的长度),并且更准确地determin È其direction.It的载体是能够提高确定横向流体流动的方向,根据给定的算法,从热电偶进行由电子设备的装置的信息的处理的准确度。



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