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Delivering an Effective and Efficient Contract Transfer in Manpower Contract Management to Maintain the Stability of Daily Operation




During transfer process in manpower contract management, communication issues may appear and affect the involving parties. It is not merely happened within internal company, but also with the contractors who shall provide the services and the manpower contract personnel as subject of transfer. Contractors, both the incumbent and the future employer, shall provide clear information to the personnel related to their employment including all administration matters. Improper communication to the personnel may lead to personnel's anxiety and confusion which then influence their performance in delivering services to company. The present work explains a success story in Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) where transfer process could run smoothly and disadvantage situation in industrial relation aspect could be avoided. Coordination and communication among parties become one of the key areas which support the process. In order to achieve the objective, a set of timeframe, strategy, and guideline explaining the responsibilities of each party involved in the handover process shall be produced as reference. Implementing proper handover strategy could minimize the potential industrial relation dispute and maintain the operational activity in which personnel may think that business is run as usual without any change. With active participation from all parties to follow the set strategies and guideline, handover contract could be delivered timely with minimum issues and dispute.
机译:在人力合同管理中转移过程中,可能会出现沟通问题并影响涉及缔约方。它不仅发生在内部公司内,还不仅发生在承包商,他们应将服务和人力合同人员提供转移的主题。承包商,现任和未来雇主,应向与其就业有关的人员提供明确的信息,包括所有政府事项。对人员的沟通不当可能导致人员的焦虑和混乱,随后影响他们在为公司提供服务时的表现。目前的工作解释了总E&P Indonesie(TEPI)的成功故事,其中转移过程可能会顺利运行,并且可以避免工业关系方面的缺点情况。双方之间的协调和沟通成为支持该过程的关键领域之一。为了实现目标,将产生一组时间帧,策略和指导,解释切换过程中涉及的各方的职责。实施适当的切换策略可以最大限度地减少潜在的工业关系争议并维持人员可能认为业务在没有任何变化的情况下运行的操作活动。随着各方的积极参与遵循设定的策略和指导,可以及时交付合同,并及时呈现最低问题和争端。



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