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Evolution of the Ride Comfort of Alfa Romeo Cars since 1955 until 2005

机译:自1955年以来乘坐Alfa Romeo Cars乘坐舒适的演变,直到2005年



The ride comfort of three Alfa Romeo cars, namely Giulietta (1955), Alfetta (1972) and 159 (2005) has been assessed both objectively and subjectively. The three cars belong to the same market segment. The aim is to let young engineers or graduate students understand how technology has evolved and eventually learn a lesson from the assessed trend. A number of cleats have been fixed at the ground and the three cars have traversed such uneven surface. The objective assessment of the ride comfort has been performed by means of accelerometers fixed at the seat rails, additionally a special dummy developed at Politecnico di Milano has been employed. The subjective assessment has been performed by a panel of passengers. The match between objective and subjective ratings is very good. Simple mathematical models have been employed to establish a (successful) comparison between experimental and computational results. The ride comfort differs substantially among the cars. The paper discusses the origin of the different ride comfort performances and provides a scientific understanding hopefully useful for future developments in the automotive engineering field.
机译:三个Alfa Romeo Cars的乘坐舒适舒适,即Giulietta(1955),Alfetta(1972)和159(2005)的客观性和主观地评估。这三辆车属于同一市场细分市场。目的是让年轻工程师或研究生了解技术如何发展,最终从评估的趋势中学习课程。在地面上固定了许多夹板,三辆车已经穿过这种不平坦的表面。通过固定在座椅轨道上的加速度计进行了骑行舒适性的客观评估,此外,在PoliteCnico di Milano开发的特殊假人已被雇用。主观评估由乘客小组进行。客观和主观评分之间的比赛非常好。已经采用简单的数学模型来建立实验和计算结果之间的(成功)比较。乘坐舒适性大幅不同于汽车中。本文讨论了不同乘坐舒适性表演的起源,并提供了对汽车工程领域的未来发展有用的科学理解。



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