首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter >Temporal and spatial diagnosis of nanosecond laser ablation and laser induced plasma

Temporal and spatial diagnosis of nanosecond laser ablation and laser induced plasma




We present a versatile method to diagnose method to diagnose nanosecond laser induced plasma (LIP) plume with good temporal (10 ns here) and spatial (here sub-millimeter) resolution, without requiring the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The spatially resolved emission images from plasmas formed by 532 nm laser ablation of a silicon target in vacuum (10~(-7) mbar) with incident irradiance of 21 GW/cm~2 were recorded at different time delays using a time-gated iCCD camera attached to a spectrograph and image optics. The spectroscopic emission lines associated with different charged species are assigned in the NIST Atomic Spectra Database. The further analysis of Stark broadened line shapes of those emission images allows tracking the plume dynamics and provides insight into the early time (i.e. within several tens of nanoseconds) mechanism of laser-target interaction and the subsequent laser-plasma coupling. The electron density (N_e) and temperature (T_e) values and their variations with space and time are obtained from best-fitting model to the observed line shapes based on a non-LTE electron energy distribution function (EEDF) rather than a Maxwellian EEDF. The value of N_e and T_e respectively declined from 10~(23) to 10~(21) m~(-3) and 10 to 0.1 eV since the plume expansion. The time-gated emission images and the spatial and temporal variation of the N_e and T_e values both highlight the inhomogeneity of the LIP plume, and provide the future analysis and possible derivation of the electron emitting model from target surface after laser-lattice interaction within sub-nanosecond.
机译:我们提出了一个通用的方法来诊断方法来诊断纳秒激光诱导等离子体(LIP)羽具有良好的时间(这里10纳秒)和空间(这里亚毫米)的分辨率,无需本地热力学平衡(LTE)的假设。从等离子体由硅靶的真空532nm的激光烧蚀(10〜(-7)毫巴)形成的空间分辨发射图像与21 GW的入射辐照度/厘米〜2在使用时间选通ICCD不同的时间延迟被记录相机连接到光谱仪和图像的光学器件。具有不同电荷的物质相关联的光谱发射线被分配在NIST原子光谱数据库。那些排放的图像的斯塔克加宽线形状的进一步的分析允许跟踪羽动力学,并深入早期时间(即几十纳秒内)激光 - 靶相互作用的机制和随后的激光等离子体耦合。的电子密度(N_e)和温度(T_e)值和它们与空间和时间变化被从最佳拟合模型来基于非LTE电子能量分布函数(EEDF)而不是麦克斯韦EEDF观察到的线的形状获得的。 N_e和T_e的值从10〜(23)分别下降到10〜(21)米〜(-3)和10〜0.1电子伏特由于羽流膨胀。时间选通发射图像和N_e和T_e的空间和时间变化值都突出的LIP羽流的不均匀性,并提供电子子内激光晶格相互作用之后发射从靶表面模型的将来分析和可能的派生-nanosecond。



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