首页> 外文会议>International Conference for Convergence of Technology >Secure message transfer using RSA algorithm and improved playfair cipher in cloud computing

Secure message transfer using RSA algorithm and improved playfair cipher in cloud computing




Nowadays people around the world are interested in sharing information among themselves, but they are worried about the security aspect while sharing any information. For this situation cryptography has been a boon to human kind which is intended to secure transmission of data. The objective of this paper is to provide security to the data we send and also securing the key that we are encrypting the data. This paper consists of three stages, the first stage includes encryption of text using playfair cipher of 9×6 matrix. In the second stage, XOR operation is performed between the encrypted text and the key which it has been encrypted. In the final stage encryption of key is done using RSA algorithm and continued with a XOR operation between the encrypted text and the encrypted key. Then the final encrypted text and the new encrypted key is sent to the receiver to decrypt the original message. Thus, this proposed algorithm provides an extra layer of security to the existed algorithms.



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