
Meteoroid, bolide and meteorite ?Chelyabinsk?




This paper presents the brief review of Chelyabinsk group of meteoroid, bolide and meteorite "Chelyabinsk" investigations. Height of the maximum of the main flash of Chelyabinsk bolide is 30 km. Only 1% of meteoroid mass arrived to the Earth surface in the form of meteorites while the most part of meteoroid became dust. During four days the dust had circumnavigated the globe and formed stratospheric dust belt. This new dust belt, located above the Junge aerosol layer, has persisted over at least a three-month period. The mass distribution of found meteorites is lognormal. This shape argues that fragmentation process of initial body happened randomly and in a cascade way. Transparent or translucent mineral filaments firmly linked to the particles were found in the meteoritic dust. In metallic phases of the meteorite mainly Fe-rich compounds exist. Very interesting topics of next research are magnetic properties of Fe-Ni phase, because of cosmic synthesis conditions. Meteoroids like "Chelyabinsk" fall on average once every 30 years. Therefore the problem of "asteroid and comet danger" should be expanded to the problem of "meteoroid, asteroid and comet danger".
机译:本文介绍了Chelyabinsk集团的青菱形,博勒德和陨石“Chelyabinsk”调查的简要介绍。 Chelyabinsk Bolide的最大闪光的高度为30公里。只有1%的青色物质以陨石形式到达地球表面,而菱形的大部分变成灰尘。在四天内,灰尘在环球上环绕地球并形成了平流层灰尘带。这种新的灰尘带,位于junge气溶胶层上方,至少在三个月内持续存在。发现陨石的质量分布是Lognormal。这种形状认为初始身体的碎片过程随机发生并以级联方式发生。在陨石粉尘中发现牢固地连接到颗粒的透明或半透明矿物细丝。在陨石的金属阶段,主要存在富含Fe的化合物。下一步研究的非常有趣的主题是Fe-Ni相的磁性,因为宇宙合成条件。像“Chelyabinsk”这样的菱形平均每30年平均下降一次。因此,“小行星和彗星危险”的问题应扩大到“青鸟,小行星和彗星危险”的问题。



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