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Adjustable Reciprocity: Exploring the Influence of Peer Group Standards on Reciprocal Decisions




To date, only a few studies investigated how referent others affect reciprocal decision making. Bicchieri and Xiao (2009), for example, investigated the interaction of the others' influ-ences and internal fairness standards in reciprocal decision (Bicchieri and Xiao 2009). Other research only identified norm feedback (e.g., Konow 2000, Krupka and Weber 2008) or information about referent others (e.g., Gaechter, Nosenzo, Sefton 2012) as single cues to individual reciprocal decisions. On the other hand, in the domain of consumption the influ-ence of referent others has been widely examined. In this line, recent research on social norms found that information about referent others, or in-groups, might serve as "magnets" for individuals (Schultz et al. 2007), i.e. when observing the behavior of others, they adjust their behavior to deviate as less as possible from the group standards. Therefore, this study asks how individuals react on in-group standards in reciprocal decisions and what the underlying processes are.
机译:迄今为止,只有一些研究调查了他人如何影响互惠决策。例如,Bicchieri和Xiao(2009)调查了其他人的影响力和内部公平标准在互惠作出中的互动(Bicchieri和Xiao 2009)。其他研究仅识别标准的反馈(例如,KONOW 2000,KRUPKA和Weber 2008)或有关提及他人的信息(例如,盖克特,NOSENZO,SEFTON 2012)作为单个提示对个人互惠决定的单一提示。另一方面,在消费领域中,指代其他人的影响得到了广泛研究。在这一行中,最近关于社会规范的研究发现,关于特征或组的信息,可以作为个人的“磁铁”(Schultz等,2007),即观察他人的行为,他们调整他们的行为偏离小组标准尽可能少。因此,本研究询问个人如何在互惠决定中与群体中的基础标准以及潜在的流程是什么。



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