
Assimilation of Hyper-Spectral radiances in the NCMRWF Global Forecast System




The availability of high resolution temperature and water vapor data is important for the study of mesoscale scale weather phenomena. As, Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and European Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) provide high resolution atmospheric profiles by measuring radiations in many thousands of different channels. The AIRS, on the EOS-Aqua polar-orbiting satellite, was the first of a new generation of meteorological advanced sounders able to provide hyper- spectral data for operational and research use. The CrIS is a Fourier Transform Michelson interferometer instrument launched on board the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite on 28 October 2011. CrIS is a major step forward in the U.S. operational infrared (IR) sounding capability previously provided by the High-resolution Infrared Spectrometer (HIRS). The IASI is the most advanced instrument carried on the MetOp satellite on 19 October 2006. As a result, demonstration of the benefit of hyper-spectral data on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) has been a high priority. This work focuses on the assessment of the potential values of satellite hyper-spectral radiance data in the NGFS (National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting-Global Forecast System). An Observing System Experiments (OSEs) has been conducted to examine the impact of hyper-spectral radiances and detail results are presented.
机译:高分辨率的温度和水蒸气数据的可用性为的尺度比例的天气现象的研究很重要。由于,大气红外探测器(AIRS),交叉跟踪红外探测仪(CRIS)和欧洲红外线大气探测干涉仪(IASI)由成千上万不同渠道的测量辐射提供高分辨率的大气廓线。自居,对EOS-水族极地轨道卫星,是国内首创的新一代能够为业务和研究用途提供超支光谱数据气象先进的探测器的。地区投资是一个傅里叶变换迈克尔逊干涉仪上板推出的芬兰语国家极轨伙伴关系(芬兰语NPP)卫星于28 2011年10月克里斯是在向前的美军作战红外(IR)的探测能力,以前由高提供了重要的一步 - 分辨率红外光谱仪(HIRS)。雅西是在19日的METOP卫星携带2006年10月其结果是最先进的仪器,对数值天气预报(NWP)高光谱数据的好处示范一直高度重视。今年工作重点放在卫星超光谱辐射数据的潜在价值在NGFS(国家中心的中期天气预报,全球预报系统)的评估。一个观测系统试验(OSE)已经进行检查超光谱辐射率和细节的结果出现的影响。



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