
BRAVO: A Gaming Environment for the Treatment of ADHD




Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neu-rodevelopmental disorder that is expressed through different symptoms belonging to three different dimensions: inattention, impulsivity and motor hyperactivity, each of which contributes to the learning and adaptation problems within the different contexts of life. ADHD children have to focus on three main elements: learn to self-control, make and keep friends and feel good about themselves. The BRAVO (Beyond the tReatment of the Attention deficit hyperactiVity disOrder) project aims to realize an immersive therapeutic game context, based on an innovative ICT system, with which improving the relationship between young patients and therapies (administered by means of serious games and gamification). By using wearable equipment and Virtual and Augmented Reality devices, new personalized processes of therapy will be implemented. Such processes will be able to dynamically change in order to follow the patients evolution and support the therapists in the rehabilitation program management.
机译:注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)是一种通过不同症状表达的Neu-rodevelopment病症,其特征在于三种不同的尺寸:吻备,冲动和运动多动症,每个症状都有助于在不同生活方式中的学习和适应问题有助于学习和适应问题。 ADHD儿童必须专注于三个主要元素:学会自我控制,制作和保持朋友,并对自己感觉良好。布拉沃(除了多动症的治疗)项目旨在实现基于创新的ICT系统,与提高年轻患者和治疗之间的关系(通过严肃游戏和游戏化的方式施用)上的身临其境的治疗游戏情境, 。通过使用可穿戴设备和虚拟和增强现实设备,将实施新的个性化的疗法过程。此类过程能够动态地改变,以便遵循患者的演变并在康复计划管理中支持治疗师。



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