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Ethical and Legal Aspects of an AAL System Supporting Night Care in Residential Care




1 Introduction Night care in residential care facilities is often provided by few staff members and it poses many challenges. While the safety and well-being of residents in the night is obviously a central need, the ways of ensuring this are often burdensome for both staff and residents. A study by Kerr et al. [13] found many deficiencies in the work situation of night staff in care homes. One of the problems identified was "over-checking", i.e., the unnecessarily frequent visiting in the residents' rooms at night [13]. For example, in one of the homes studied, the checks took place-following an incident elsewhere-as frequently as every hour. It was found that "routine, indiscriminate over-checking led to needless disturbance of residents." The perspective of the residents revealed that the night-time practices had an impact on their well-being. While some considered checking reassuring, others found it "unnecessary, intrusive and a cause of fright and agitation (Ibid.)." Such frequent checks were also found disturbing by the night staff although their decision to over-check can be understood. Health and social care professionals tend to be very much concerned about protecting all their patients and residents from harm and may be influenced by concerns about litigation [21].
机译:1介绍住宅护理设施的夜间护理通常由少数员工提供,并且造成许多挑战。虽然居民的安全和福祉在夜间显然是一种核心需求,但确保这一切的方式往往是员工和居民的繁重。 Kerr等人的研究。 [13]在护理房屋的夜间工作人员的工作情况中发现了许多缺陷。确定的问题之一是“过度检查”,即夜间居民房间的不必要频繁访问[13]。例如,在研究的一个家庭中,检查在其他地方的事件之后发生了 - 每小时频繁。有人发现,“常规,不分青红皂白的过度检查导致居民不用的障碍。”居民的观点透露,夜间做法对他们的福祉产生了影响。虽然有些人被认为检查令人放心,但其他人发现它“不必要,侵扰和恐惧和激动的原因(同上)。”夜间工作人员也发现这种频繁的检查令人扰乱,尽管他们对过支票的决定可以理解。健康和社会护理专业人员往往非常关注保护所有患者和居民免受伤害,可能受到关于诉讼的担忧的影响[21]。



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