首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research >Reflection on the Connotative Development of Continuing Education in Colleges and Universities - Base on the definition perspective from adult education to continuing education

Reflection on the Connotative Development of Continuing Education in Colleges and Universities - Base on the definition perspective from adult education to continuing education

机译:关于高校持续教育的内涵发展的思考 - 基于成人教育对持续教育的定义视角



Specifying concept is clear basic elements of definition. Adult education is an essential part of continuing education. They have the same substantive connotation. Therefore, if sort out the relationship of the object, subject and characters, it could make rewarding suggestions to promoting the connotative development of continuing education in ordinary colleges, which aim to confirm their ideal position, clarify their service recipient, optimize their department structure, construct network teaching platform and innovate resources sharing mechanism.



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