
Spin dynamics in relativistic light-matter interaction




Various spin effects are expected to become observable in light-matter interaction at relativistic intensities. Relativistic quantum mechanics equipped with a suitable relativistic spin operator forms the theoretical foundation for describing these effects. Various proposals for relativistic spin operators have been offered by different authors, which are presented in a unified way. As a result of the operators' mathematical properties only the Foldy-Wouthuysen operator and the Pryce operator qualify as possible proper relativistic spin operators. The ground states of highly charged hydrogen-like ions can be utilized to identify a legitimate relativistic spin operator experimentally. Subsequently, the Foldy-Wouthuysen spin operator is employed to study electron-spin precession in high-intensity standing light waves with elliptical polarization. For a correct theoretical description of the predicted electron-spin precession relativistic effects due to the spin angular momentum of the electromagnetic wave has to be taken into account even in the limit of low intensities.
机译:预期各种旋转效果将在相对论强度下的浅型相互作用中变得可观察到。配备合适的相对论自旋操作员的相对论量子力学形成了描述这些效果的理论基础。不同的作者提供了不同作者的各种建议,这些提案是以统一的方式呈现的。由于运营商的数学特性仅折叠 - WOUTHUYSEN操作员和PRYCE运营商符合适当的相对论自旋运营商。高电荷的氢气状离子的地面状态可用于实验识别合法的相对论旋转算子。随后,采用折叠疏松的旋转旋转算子在具有椭圆极化的高强度静态光波中研究电子旋转预振。对于对预测的电子旋转预测的正确理论描述,由于旋转角度的旋转角动量,即使在低强度的极限中也必须考虑到电磁波。



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