首页> 外文会议>International VDI Congress on Drivetrain for Vehicles >Plug-In Hybrid Transmission for Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars: Product Family Mercedes-Benz Hybrid Transmissions, Technical Detail Solutions and a Glimpse into Future

Plug-In Hybrid Transmission for Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars: Product Family Mercedes-Benz Hybrid Transmissions, Technical Detail Solutions and a Glimpse into Future

机译:Mercedes-Benz乘用车的插件混合传输:产品系列梅赛德斯 - 奔驰混合传输,技术细节解决方案和未来的一瞥



This paper describes the new Mercedes-Benz Plug-In transmission. The overall architecture of the hybrid system remains basically similar to the full hybrid transmission presented in 2012. Nevertheless the hybrid specific parts are completely redesigned, due to the increased power of the electric motor (85 kW instead of 20 kW) and the increased inertia of the system. As in the 20 kW system rotor and stator of the electric motor both are cooled with transmission oil. The bearing layout and the torsional damping system are modified, corresponding to the different load cases, excitations and inertias. The whole system layout focusses conse-quently on two aspects: fuel efficiency and vehicle package. This paper describes the general design as well as specific details about the cooling system, the wet clutch and the damping system. In addition, a brief comparison between parallel hybrid systems and power split systems is carried out, resulting in conclusions about powertrain architectures.
机译:本文介绍了新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰插件传输。混合系统的整体架构基本上类似于2012年呈现的完整混合动力传输。然而,由于电动机(85 kW而不是20 kW)的功率增加,混合特定部件完全重新设计,并且惯性增加系统。如在20kW系统转子和电动机的定子中,两者都用变速箱冷却。轴承布局和扭转阻尼系统被修改,对应于不同的负载箱,激发和惯性。整个系统布局侧重于两个方面,燃料效率和车辆包装。本文介绍了一般设计以及有关冷却系统,湿离合器和阻尼系统的具体细节。此外,执行并行混合动力系统和功率分流系统之间的简要比较,得到了关于动力总成架构的结论。



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