首页> 外文会议>International Conference of Environment Landscape European Identity >Trail accessibility as a tool for sustainable management of protected areas: Case study Ceahlau National Park, Romania

Trail accessibility as a tool for sustainable management of protected areas: Case study Ceahlau National Park, Romania




Accessibility is an indicator that involves two components: the place-with its morphological and morphometric features -, and man-who wants to reach that place. The relief accessibility map is a useful tool both for tourists and national park managers. Sustainable management in a park and planning involves the opening of new hiking trails which must take into account the relief accessibility, internal zoning, land use and the presence of tourist interest objectives. In this study we produced a map of relief accessibility for Ceahlau National Park (CNP) in Romania using two indicators: the slope and the land use. The model integrates both primary data and secondary data resulted from the reclassification operations. From the intersection of these secondary data in a transition matrix we have established five types of accessibility levels that are represented for the entire park and trails in the CNP. Of the total area of the park-which is located in Romania's eastern Carpathians, within a mountain unit with less than 1900 m altitude -, over 90% encompasses high and medium accessibility levels (types 2 and 3) which shows a high potential for planning. Data resulted from this model can be used for an efficient management of trails in a national park and their evaluation according to the degree of accessibility.
机译:可访问性是一个指标,涉及两个组件:地点 - 其形态和形态学特征 - 以及想要到达那个地方的人。浮雕可访问性图是游客和国家公园经理的有用工具。公园和规划的可持续管理涉及开设新的徒步旅行,必须考虑到救济可访问性,内部分区,土地利用以及旅游利息目标的存在。在这项研究中,我们使用两个指标制作了Ceallau国家公园(CNP)的Ceallau国家公园(CNP)的地图:坡度和土地使用。该模型集成了初级数据和辅助数据,从重新分类操作产生。从转换矩阵中的这些辅助数据的交叉点,我们已经建立了五种类型的可访问水平,这些级别为整个公园和CNP中的路径。公园的总面积 - 位于罗马尼亚的东喀尔巴阡山脉,山区内,山脉高于1900米的高度 - 超过90%包括高中可访问水平(类型2和3),这表现出高潜力的规划潜力。该模型引用的数据可用于在国家公园的轨迹中有效管理,并根据可访问性的程度进行评估。



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