首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Geometry and Graphics >The Influence of the Discovery of Prehistoric Pile Dwellings Around the Alps on Architect Hannes Meyer

The Influence of the Discovery of Prehistoric Pile Dwellings Around the Alps on Architect Hannes Meyer

机译:史前桩居民在建筑师Hannes Meyer上的史前桩居民发现的影响



The discovery of prehistoric pile dwellings in nineteenth-century Switzerland was enthusiastically welcomed by Swiss citizens. Based on the results of an excavation survey, in the 1920s, pile dwellings were reconstructed at Unteruhldingen, a small lakeside town by Lake Constance. This study clarifies the influence of the discovery of prehistoric pile dwellings on the architectural works of the modern Swiss architect Hannes Meyer (1889-1954), the second director of the Bauhaus. In terms of methodology, Sect. 2 outlines the process of reconstruction of pile dwellings around the Alps until the 1920s, and in Sect. 3, we analyze the influence of the pile dwellings on Meyer's three major works in the 1920s based on both the architectural form and the design concept. As research materials, we used drawings and design concepts obtained from publication materials. From the drawing of the "Peters Schule" competition project (1926-27) and the ground floor plan of the "League of Nations" project, we can recognize that the buildings float upon pillars resembling piles of pile dwellings. In his masterpiece "ADGB Trade Union School" (1928-1930), Meyer finally explained the design concept using the word "modern pile-dwellers." Thus, we can prove that the discovery of the pile-dwellings around the Alps and the subsequent reconstructions of the dwellings had influenced Meyer's architectural design in the latter half of the 1920s.
机译:在十九世纪瑞士的史前桩住宅发现热情地欢迎瑞士公民。根据挖掘调查的结果,在20世纪20年代,由康斯坦茨湖的小湖畔小镇Unteruhldingen重建了桩居民。本研究阐明了史前桩住宅发现对现代瑞士建筑师Hannes Meyer(1889-1954)的建筑工程的影响,是Bauhaus的第二个董事。就方法,教派而言。图2概述了在阿尔卑斯山区围绕1920年代的桩居民的过程,并在教派中。 3,根据建筑形式和设计理念,分析了20世纪20年代迈耶的三大作品的桩居民对迈耶的三大作品的影响。作为研究材料,我们使用了从出版物获得的图纸和设计概念。从“Peters Schule”竞争项目(1926-27)和“联盟”项目的一楼计划的绘图中,我们可以认识到建筑物漂浮在类似桩房桩的柱子上。在他的杰作“Adgb Trade Union School”(1928-1930)中,Meyer终于使用“现代桩居民”这个词解释了设计概念。因此,我们可以证明,在阿尔卑斯山区和住宅的随后重建周围的桩居民的发现已经影响了20世纪20年代后一半的迈耶的建筑设计。



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