首页> 外文会议>Biennial Conference of the Australasian^Pig^Science^Association >Effect of ractopamine feeding strategies during the first lactation on sow performance

Effect of ractopamine feeding strategies during the first lactation on sow performance




During the first lactation, excessive mobilisation of sow body reserves, particularly protein, significantly impairs subsequent reproduction. Dietary ractopamine (RAC; Paylean~R) increased lean growth in finisher pigs (Apple et al, 2007), with lactation live weight loss also reduced in primiparous sows receiving a RAC-supplemented diet (van Wettere et al., 2009). In finisher pigs, the growth response to RAC is affected by ractopamine inclusion rate, with some studies also reporting further improvements when RAC concentrations are stepped up after 14 days (Apple et al, 2007). Two studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that altering RAC inclusion rate, and the period of inclusion relative to farrowing, in the diet of first lactation sows woulddifferentially affect the mobilisation of body reserves and subsequent reproduction.
机译:在第一次哺乳期间,过度动员母猪身体储备,特别是蛋白质,显着损害后续繁殖。膳食哺乳酸(RAC; Paylean〜R)在整理猪(Apple等,2007)中增加了精益增长(Apple等,2007),哺乳期活力损失也减少了接受RAC补充饮食的初级母猪(Van Wettere等,2009)。在Finerer猪中,对Rac的生长反应受ractopamine包合物的影响,一些研究还报告了在14天后加强了RAC浓度(Apple等,2007)时进一步改善。进行了两项研究以测试改变RAC包含率的假设,以及相对于殴打的包涵体,在第一哺乳母猪的饮食中,将影响身体储备和随后的繁殖的动员。



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